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Video Capture Plus

This plugin offers some useful extras on top of the default Media Capture Plugin capabilities:

  • HD recording.
  • Starting with the front camera.
  • A custom overlay (currently iOS only).

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$ npm install cordova-plugin-video-capture-plus
$ npm install @ionic-native/video-capture-plus
$ ionic cap sync

Supported Platforms#

  • Android
  • iOS



Learn more about using Ionic Native components in React


import { VideoCapturePlus, VideoCapturePlusOptions, MediaFile } from '@ionic-native/video-capture-plus/ngx';
constructor(private videoCapturePlus: VideoCapturePlus) { }
const options: VideoCapturePlusOptions = {
limit: 1,
highquality: true,
portraitOverlay: 'assets/img/camera/overlay/portrait.png',
landscapeOverlay: 'assets/img/camera/overlay/landscape.png'
this.videoCapturePlus.captureVideo(options).then(mediafile: MediaFile[] => console.log(mediafile), error => console.log('Something went wrong'));