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Unvired Cordova SDK

This plugin lets you build apps which connect to Unvired Mobile Platform (UMP).#

iOS Requirements#

This plugin uses Cocoapods to install dependent libraries. Please make sure you have a valid Cocoapods installation. Once you have it ready, do update the cocoapods repo by running the following command before you install this plugin.

pod repo update

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$ npm install
$ npm install @ionic-native/unvired-cordova-sdk
$ ionic cap sync

Supported Platforms#

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Browser



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import { UnviredCordovaSDK } from '@ionic-native/unvired-cordova-sdk/ngx';
constructor(private unviredSDK: UnviredCordovaSDK) { }
// This is usually done in app.component.ts of your app.
// Before you can interact with UMP, you need to initialize the SDK and authenticate with UMP.
// SDK Initialization
let loginParameters = new LoginParameters()
loginParameters.appName = 'UNVIRED_DIGITAL_FORMS'
loginParameters.metadataPath = '../assets/metadata.json'
let loginResult: LoginResult
try {
loginResult = await this.unviredSDK.login(loginParameters)
catch (error) {
this.unviredSDK.logError("AppComponent", "Initialize", "Error during login: " + error)
switch (loginResult.type) {
case LoginListenerType.auth_activation_required:
// App is not activated. i.e, User is using the app for the very first time.
// App needs to be activated before it can interact with UMP.
// At this point of time, you basically navigate to a login screen & accept username / password from the user.
// Set the username & password to loginParameters object and call authenticateAndActivate
try {
// Execute this block of code in a login screen.
let loginParameters = new LoginParameters();
loginParameters.url = '<UMP_URL>'; = '<Company>';
loginParameters.username = '<Username>';
loginParameters.password = '<Password>';
loginParameters.loginType = LoginType.unvired;
let authenticateActivateResult: AuthenticateActivateResult = await this.unviredSDK.authenticateAndActivate(loginParameters);
if (authenticateActivateResult.type === AuthenticateAndActivateResultType.auth_activation_success) {
// App is fully setup. Navigate to your app's home screen.
} else if (authenticateActivateResult.type === AuthenticateAndActivateResultType.auth_activation_error) {
console.log("Error during login: " + authenticateActivateResult.error)
} catch (error) {
this.unviredSDK.logError('LoginPage', 'auth_activation_required', 'ERROR: ' + error);
case LoginListenerType.app_requires_login:
// App is already activated. But, the user needs to enter credentials because the setting LOCAL_PASSWORD is set to YES in Unvired Admin Cockpit.
// To set LOCAL_PASSWORD property for your app, contact your administrator.
try {
// Execute this block of code in a login screen.
let loginParameters = new LoginParameters()
loginParameters.username = '<Username>';
loginParameters.password = '<Password>';
let authenticateLocalResult: AuthenticateLocalResult = await this.unviredSDK.authenticateLocal(loginParameters);
if (authenticateLocalResult.type === AuthenticateLocalResultType.login_success) {
// App is fully setup. Navigate to your app's home screen.
} else if (authenticateLocalResult.type === AuthenticateLocalResultType.login_error) {
console.log("Error during local login: " + authenticateActivateResult.error)
} catch (error) {
this.unviredSDK.logError('LoginPage', 'app_requires_login', 'ERROR: ' + error);
case login_success:
// The setting LOCAL_PASSWORD is set to false.
// App is fully initialized. Users can interact with the UMP
// Navigate to Home screen
// Synchronization APIs
// Make sync call.
let result = await this.unviredSDK.syncForeground(RequestType.QUERY, null, {"CUSTOMER_HEADER": {"field1" : "value1", "field2" : "value2"}}, 'UNVIRED_DIGITAL_FORMS_PA_MOBILE_GET_USERS', true)
// Make async call.
let result = await this.unviredSDK.syncBackground(RequestType.QUERY, null, inputObj, 'UNVIRED_DIGITAL_FORMS_PA_MOBILE_GET_USERS', 'INPUT_GET_USERS', 'GUID', false)
// Note: Subscribe to NotificationListener to get updates on data processing in background
// However, only one screen can listen to background data updates at any point of time.
this.unviredSDK.registerNotifListener().subscribe( data => {
switch (data.type) {
case NotificationListenerType.dataSend:
case NotificationListenerType.dataChanged:
case NotificationListenerType.dataReceived:
// Database APIs
// Insert a record onto database
this.unviredsdk.dbInsert("CUSTOMER_HEADER", {"NAME":"USER","NO":"0039"}, true);
// Update a record in database
this.unviredSDK.dbUpdate('CUSTOMER_HEADER', {"NAME":"UPDATED_USER","NO":"UPDATED_NO"}, "FORM_ID = '5caed815892215034dacad56'")
// Delete a record in database
this.unviredSDK.dbDelete('CUSTOMER_HEADER', "FORM_ID = '5caed815892215034dacad56'")
// Execute a SQL Query
this.unviredSDK.dbExecuteStatement('SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_HEADER WHERE CUSTOMER_ID = "0039"')