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App Center Crashes

App Center Analytics helps you understand user behavior and customer engagement to improve your app. The SDK automatically captures session count and device properties like model, OS version, etc. You can define your own custom events to measure things that matter to you. All the information captured is available in the App Center portal for you to analyze the data.

For more info, please see

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$ npm install cordova-plugin-appcenter-crashes
$ npm install @ionic-native/app-center-crashes
$ ionic cap sync

Supported Platforms#

  • Android
  • iOS



Learn more about using Ionic Native components in React


import { AppCenterCrashes } from '@ionic-native/app-center-crashes/ngx';
constructor(private AppCenterCrashes: AppCenterCrashes) { }
this.AppCenterCrashes.setEnabled(true).then(() => {
this.AppCenterCrashes.lastSessionCrashReport().then(report => {
console.log('Crash report', report);