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Email Composer

Requires Cordova plugin: cordova-plugin-email-composer. For more info, please see the Email Composer plugin docs.

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$ npm install cordova-plugin-email-composer
$ npm install @ionic-native/email-composer
$ ionic cap sync

Supported Platforms#

  • Amazon Fire OS
  • Android
  • Browser
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • macOS



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import { EmailComposer } from '@ionic-native/email-composer/ngx';
constructor(private emailComposer: EmailComposer) { }
this.emailComposer.getClients().then((apps: []) => {
// Returns an array of configured email clients for the device
this.emailComposer.hasClient().then(app, (isValid: boolean) => {
if (isValid) {
// Now we know we have a valid email client configured
// Not specifying an app will return true if at least one email client is configured
this.emailComposer.hasAccount().then((isValid: boolean) => {
if (isValid) {
// Now we know we have a valid email account configured
this.emailComposer.isAvailable().then(app, (available: boolean) => {
if(available) {
// Now we know we can send an email, calls hasClient and hasAccount
// Not specifying an app will return true if at least one email client is configured
let email = {
to: '',
cc: '',
bcc: ['', ''],
attachments: [
subject: 'Cordova Icons',
body: 'How are you? Nice greetings from Leipzig',
isHtml: true
// Send a text message using default options;

You can also assign aliases to email apps

// add alias'gmail', '');
// then use alias when sending email{
app: 'gmail',