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What's new in Ionic 5 - Migration and Free Starter#

Take advantage of the new benefits from Ionic 5. In this guide we describe the main changes and show you how to migrate your applications from Ionic 4 to Ionic 5. For this post we created an Ionic 5 CRUD Contacts app that you can download for free to learn how to start using Ionic 5.

Ionic Navigation and Angular Routing#

Learn how to master Routing and Navigation in Ionic Angular Apps as well as some usability tricks you can add to your apps to improve the user experience!

Firebase Authentication Tutorial For Ionic Apps#

Learn how to add Firebase Authentication to your Ionic 5 App. This tutorial explains step by step how to configure both the Firebase and the Ionic Apps to enable authentication with social providers such as Google, Facebook and Twitter and also with Email and Password.

Native Cross Platform Web Apps with Ionic Capacitor#

Ionic Capacitor introduction guide for beginners: history, motivation, usage and how to migrate your existing Cordova apps to Capacitor.

Ionic Skeleton Loading Screens#

UI Skeletons, Ghost Elements, Shell Elements? They are all the same! Think of them as cool content placeholders that are shown where the content will eventually be once it becomes available. In this guide you will learn the importance of adopting the App Shell pattern in your ionic apps and discuss how to implement it using Ionic and Angular. Also, we explain some advanced CSS techniques to take the UX to the next level.

The Complete Guide To Progressive Web Apps with Ionic#

Learn what Progressive Web Apps are, why you should consider them for your next project, and how easy is to build a complete and production ready PWA with Ionic.

Mastering Web Components in Ionic#

Understanding the new component architecture in Ionic, including web components, shadow DOM, CSS 4 variables and Stencil.

Forms and Validations in Ionic 5#

Learn everything about Ionic Forms and input validations in Ionic Angular apps.

Building a Ionic Firebase App step by step#

Learn how to make a CRUD application using Ionic Framework, Cloud Firestore for the database, and Cloud Storage for image storage.

Ionic and WordPress Integration using the WordPress REST API#

Learn how to connect your Ionic app with your WordPress site using the WordPress REST API.

Understanding Ionic 2: Imports#

ES6/TS introduce a new way to bring in external code. Learn about Imports.

Ionic 2 / Angular 2 Concepts#

Familiarize yourself with some of the new concepts in Ionic 2 and Angular 2.

Ionic, PouchDB, & SQLite For Storage#

Simplify storage using PouchDB and Sqlite.

Advanced Google Maps#

Go beyond adding a simple map to handling offline conditions and complex maps.

Background Geolocation#

Learn how to add geolocation that can run in the background of your app.

Taking Advantage of Observables#

Learn how to use observables in your Ionic 2 app.

Using the Angular Router in ionic/angular 4#

Learn how to use the Angular Router in your @ionic/angular 4 app.

Ionic 4 examples using Angular, Vue and React#

Learn how to use Ionic 4 with Angular, React and Vue.